

Developed by Ken Morgan from the Diocese of Melbourne, Pathways is a tool that assists church leaders to organise the effort and activities of the church to help people become fully devoted followers of Jesus. 

Pathways is based in the notion that all kinds of churches can be effective in mission: church plants and ancient cathedrals, emerging churches and traditional churches, churches that are focused on preaching and those that emphasise liturgy and sacraments or social action.

Engage in Pathways


Buy a copy of
Pathways: Local Mission for All Kinds of Churches
by Ken Morgan



Connect with a parish that has successfully enhanced their mission through Pathways. Contact us to get connected.


Be Coached

Work with a Pathways coach and be supported and held accountable to keep moving forward. Contact us to discuss.


The Rev’d Canon Gary Harch, Parish of Kangaroo Point; and The Rev’d Scott Gunthorpe, Parish of Waterloo Bay, discuss the benefits of using ‘Pathways’ to help make disciples.